

Gut Health Workshop

In this workshop, I discussed ways to create a healthy gut to build a strong immune system. We focused on very practical and effective tips that any busy professional can start following today to increase their energy levels, sleep better, improve digestion and fight seasonal colds. In recent times...


Beauty Foods

How do you nourish yourself, your skin, your body, and your mind? Learn how to better understand what is going on in your body, by listening to your skin and learning how to work with the body's own systems to restore balance. We will start the class by sharing a...


Natural Beauty 101

During this class you will learn about ingredient labels and what defines a healthy/clean beauty/eco/natural product. We will discuss the differences between flower essences, essential oils, tinctures, extracts and oxymels. We will discuss how to heal your skin and return it back to a state of balance, as well...