FAQs for Pukka Products

FAQs for Pukka Products

How long you take a supplement for is very much an individual choice and depends on your needs and a number of other factors such as diet, lifestyle and so on. For the majority of our supplements we’d recommend trying them for a month or two to see how well they suit you. However, some, such supplements such as Andrographis or Night Time, could be taken over a shorter period if suitable. There are no safety concerns identified with taking our supplements long-term. Our herbs are intended to supplement a normal diet by providing concentrated sources of organic botanicals, vitamins or minerals with a nutritional or physiological effect.

If you are using a particular food supplement on daily basis try breaks in the regime to see how get on without taking them. For example, you could take a supplement for 3 months and then have a break for a week or a month to see how you get on. If you would prefer to start taking it again, you can.

Food supplements are essentially concentrated sources of nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect.

Like food, food supplements are generally safe to use with pharmaceutical medication, but we advise that you take them at least two hours apart from each other.

We also advise caution when using any supplements alongside pharmaceutical drugs taken for blood-thinning, immune suppression (e.g. anti-HIV or after transplants), epilepsy or psychosis, or for any life-threatening condition. Always consult a healthcare professional for advice.

Whilst herbs are natural and safe, as a precautionary measure we recommend that only those over the age of 16 take the adult dosage recommended on our products, unless told otherwise by a practitioner or a child’s dosage is stated on the label.

It is safe to take Wholistic Shatavari, Womankind Premenstrual and Aloe Vera juice whilst breastfeeding. We do, however, always advise seeking the advice of a practitioner before taking supplements while breastfeeding.

Our supplements are safe to take while trying for a baby, and Wholistic Shatavari can be particularly supportive during this period. However once pregnancy has been confirmed we advise against taking any supplements and/or speaking to a practitioner.